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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Journal # 6 Microblogging-NETS 3, 4

When following two threaded discussions on the Classroom 2.0 website I learned many things about microblogging. In the first discussion followed by 46 members I learned that microblogging is a networking service technology tool used among Internet users and cell phone users. It helps individuals and groups communicate with each other by publishing or receiving frequent updates. Text messages or Internet messages are uploaded to a microblogging service and then it is received by group members of a specific website service. Some microblogging sercives are Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku and Blogger. I learned that Pownce is used mostly as an “email replacement” to talk to a group share files, links and events. All members that participate in microblogging are notified before of the microblog and they give permission to follow a microblog. Members then are able to know about one another’s activities, questions or discussions. Microblogging can be public reaching many people around the world if they decide to microblog. Microblogging is used for many purposes including education, business, social networking and many other reasons. I also learned in the other discussion that I followed was that in education, students, parents and staff can benefit. Teachers can keep in contact with parents about the school’s current events, announcements or learning expectations. Both students and teachers can keep in contact with each other about school activities, assigned assignments, projects and even for after school programs. The advantage of microblogging is that it is a quick tool used for management. Some members of the Classroom 2.0 believe that microblogging can be used in many way with students including “advance learning, higher order thinking skill, critical thinking skills, communication skills and creativity skills.”

I commented on: Rosalinda's StoryMash, Christina's Gaming and Elizabeth's Wiki


  1. Your journal was very interesting.I did not know that Twitter and Blogger were considered microblogging. I found it interesting that teachers are using microblogging to communicate with parents. I think that is a great way of building a bridge between school and home.

  2. I think that using mircoblogging to communicate with parents is a great idea. I also did not know that Blogger and Twitter were considered microblogging.

  3. I have never heard of Pownce. Thats on is new to me. I still am anti twitter but when it comes to giving parents and students updates about your class then that seems effective. It can tell the parent exactly what homework is for the night so students can just say nothing and get away with it.

  4. I think microblogging is an excellent way to keep teachers and parents connected. I do beleive that there is a lack of communication between the two. Alhtough this will only work for those who have the resoucres. But I love that there are so many different ways for peolpe to stay in connect with one another.

  5. NIce post, Brenda! This is a social network that has many benefits. One benefit is that now we don't have to concern ourselves with HOW things are said and instead focus more intently on WHAT is being said. This contributes to a more prosocial environment which benefits us all, users and non-users.

  6. Microblogging sounds like a useful source for updating information. I think it could be useful to keep information abreast with teachers but I thibk I will prefer a newsletter or email because they seem more personal.

  7. Very cool Brenda, I did not know that a phone could keep us all in touch
